Mittwoch, August 24, 2005


Interessante Site (Tool):
Findet den kürzesten Weg zwischen den Dingen, zwischen Zwei Sachen:
Also ich hab's ausprobiert mit:   Von Girly zu Ice cream

Girly Girly serial comic Pictures
      [History of Girly and its creator, Josh Lesnick] Girly launched in April of 2003 as a sequel to CuteWendy, a gag comic which started in August of 2000
      A contemporary web comic written and drawn by Josh Lesnick, author of Wendy and girly
      [Notable artists] David Anez - Creator of Bob and George
Bob and George
      world-saving battles and an inordinate amount of time travel as well as many comic references to ice cream.
Ice cream
wOw - da staunt der Laie, and ich!
Kann mit jemand helfen wozu? dos zu gebrauchen is??   werd nix schlau drus. ThX

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